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Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analysis (EERA) services

EmirCorp EERA services are designed to ensure that personnel can safely leave facilities in the event of a
Major Accident Hazard, covering a range of critical goals

Our Comprehensive Services

1. Alarm & Detection Assessment

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of alarm and detection systems
  • Ensuring timely notification of hazard

    2. Escape Analysis

  • Assessing escape routes and their adequacy Guaranteeing safe egress for all personnel

    3. Temporary Refuge/Primary Muster Station Evaluation

  • Identifying and assessing primary muster areas
  • Ensuring safe refuge during emergencies

    4. Alternative Muster Area Assessment

  • Identifying alternative muster areas
  • Enhancing safety through secondary assembly points

    5. Evacuation Planning

  • Developing evacuation strategies and procedures
  • Ensuring efficient and safe evacuation processes

    6. Rescue Preparedness

  • Assessing rescue resources and readiness
  • Ensuring prompt and effective response to emergencies

    7. Duration of Time Analysis

  • Determining the time required for complete evacuation
  • Guaranteeing timely and efficient evacuations

Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analysis (EERA)

Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analysis (EERA) is a goal-based assessment of the various escape, evacuation and rescue elements present within a facility in order to ensure that personnel can safely leave the facilities in the case of a Major Accident Hazard being realized against the defined goals and determine whether the defined goals have been met to a level where the risks have been reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). Recommendation measures to improve the performance of the ETRER facilities will be made, where considered necessary.

Goals of EERA Analysis

EERA assesses several goals, depending on the type of facility. These goals include:

  • Alarm & Detection Assessment
  • Escape Analysis
  • Temporary Refuge/ Primary Muster Station
  • Alternative Muster Area
  • Evacuation
  • Rescue
  • Duration of time for complete evacuation