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HAZOP Studies

EmirCorp is your trusted partner for conducting HAZOP Studies in the oil and gas industry.
Our specialized services are designed to help you systematically assess potential malfunctions,
mal-operations, and their consequences, ensuring the safety of personnel, the environment, and your assets.


The HAZOP study (HAZOP review) is a systematic and structured approach to assessing the design intent and potential hazards in various industries. By identifying potential malfunctions and evaluating their impacts on personnel, environment, assets, and operations, organizations can enhance safety, protect the environment, and optimize operational efficiency. Ultimately, the HAZOP review ensures that systems are operating within their design intent, minimizing the risk of accidents and promoting overall effectiveness.

Our HAZOP Study Process

Systematic Examination: We meticulously examine the process and engineering intentions of the design, leaving no detail unchecked.

Assessing Potential Hazards:Our HAZOP Review aims to assess the potential for malfunctions or mal-operations of the system/equipment, as well as the consequential effects of hazardous events. We analyze the impact on personnel, the environment, assets, process efficiency, and productivity.

Operability Problems: We identify operability problems that may affect process efficiency or productivity and provide recommendations for mitigation.

Staying Within Design Intent:We operate on the premise that a hazard is not realized if the process always operates within its design intent.

Comprehensive System Evaluation

  • Thorough assessment of process and engineering intentions
  • Identifying potential malfunctions and mal-operations
  • Categorizing risk into different severity level
  • Ensuring a proactive approach to risk management

Consequential Effects Analysis

  • Assessing the impact of hazardous events on personnel, environment, and assets
  • Evaluating operability problems and their effects on process efficiency and productivity
  • Ensuring a holistic view of field development safety

Design Intent Preservation

  • Focusing on maintaining operations within the design intent
  • Developing strategies to prevent deviations and hazards
  • Facilitating safe and efficient field development

Assessing Design Intent and Potential Hazards

The HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) review employs a systematic and structured approach to examine a design’s process and engineering intentions. The primary aim of this review is to assess the potential for malfunction of the system/equipment, as well as the consequential effects of hazardous events on personnel, the environment, or assets. Additionally, the review considers operability problems and their impacts on process efficiency and productivity, with the overall goal of optimizing the field development.

The Importance of Design Intent

Central to the HAZOP review is the understanding that hazards can be avoided if the process consistently operates within its design intent. By thoroughly examining the design and identifying potential issues, organizations can proactively enhance safety and minimise the risk of accidents or inefficiencies.

Enhancing Safety, Environment, and Operations

The HAZOP review plays a vital role in promoting safety, protecting the environment, and optimizing operations. By conducting a comprehensive assessment of potential malfunctions and their repercussions, organizations gain insights to improve the system’s reliability, protect personnel, minimize environmental impact, and enhance process efficiency and productivity.