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Expertise in FERA Analysis

EmirCrop can assist you with Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA).
Our dedicated professional services are designed to help you identify credible fire scenarios,
evaluate their consequences, and assess the frequency of
release events, ensuring the safety of personnel and main safety functions.

Consequence Modelling / Physical Effects Modelling

  • Utilizing DNV Process Hazard Analysis Software Tools (PHAST) or equivalent software
  • Evaluating the extent of consequences for credible hazards
  • Categorizing risk into different severity level
  • Ensuring a proactive approach to risk management

Frequency Assessment

  • Leveraging our specialized in-house database
  • Derived from established sources such as OGP, UK HSE, and UKOOA
  • Developing estimates of release event frequencies

Integrated Risk Analysis

  • Combining consequence and frequency assessments for a holistic risk picture
  • Identifying high-risk scenarios for targeted risk reduction strategies
  • Safeguarding personnel, assets, and main safety functions

Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA)

The primary objective of FERA analysis is to identify credible fire scenarios that could result in a major process loss of containment. This identification process is key to developing comprehensive mitigation measures and ensuring safety and continuity of operations.

Additionally, the analysis determines the impact on personnel and Main Safety Functions. By assessing the impact on these critical areas, we can develop targeted mitigation measures that address the specific needs of the systems in question.